This form will assist you in opting yourself and family members living at your address out of LexisNexis data products. Please understand that by opting out, you may experience future difficulty using online systems for such things as instant identity and insurance verification. Please note also that your information will remain in products and services that are available to law enforcement entities and products regulated by the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
Select your reason for opting out. Depending on your choice, you may be asked to provided additional documentation as an attachment or, if you cannot provide an electronic attachment, by fax or postal mail.
For each person you are opting out, you will be asked for personally identifying information. Providing a Social Security number is optional, but is the most precise way to identify persons for information suppression. Please provide one along with each name if possible.
Provide one or more addresses, and select your communication preferences for follow up electronic or postal mail.
Confirm and submit your information.
Information submitted on this form is used for processing suppression requests and for no other purpose.
Enter one or more names to suppress.
Each person entered on the previous screen will be suppressed at each provided address.
We can provide follow up communications requiring your submission by electronic and/or postal mail. Information you provide here will be used only for servicing your opt-out request. .
If you have previously opted out of our products, you can use this form to opt in temporarily or permanently. In order for your opt-in to be correctly processed, you must provide the name and address information exactly as you did when opting out.
All fields must be exactly as when the opt-out request was submitted.
Thank you for your interest in the LexisNexis information suppression program. Your request to have information suppressed from publicly facing public records products has been received and is in process. Please note that it may take up to 30 days to suppress your information from LexisNexis products and services.
Please note that your information will remain in the following products and services: restricted public records products which are available to commercial and government entities that meet LexisNexis credentialing requirements and are used to detect and prevent fraud, enforce transactions, perform due diligence, and other critical business and government functions; products regulated by the Fair Credit Reporting Act; third party data available through real time gateways; news; and legal documents.
This suppression request does not expire, and LexisNexis will attempt to suppress all of the information available based on the information you provided in your request. Due to the variations in personal information contained in public records, or insufficient or inaccurate information provided in a request, it is possible that personal information about you may be reintroduced to LexisNexis products in the future. If you become aware that your personal information is available through LexisNexis publicly facing products in the future, please notify the LexisNexis Privacy Hotline and the issue will be investigated so that we may take appropriate action.
Should you have any questions regarding this confirmation notice, please contact the LexisNexis Privacy Hotline at 1-800-831-2578.
We were unable to complete your opt-out request. You can retry this request or enter another suppression request.
If you need assistance, please contact the LexisNexis Privacy Hotline at 1-800-831-2578.